Ducts are elements that allow the passage of underground cables. All ducts must start in one passage box and end in another, and their characteristics define their type (for more information about the types of ducts, click here). In addition to type, they also have other attributes such as name, deployment status, color, comments, and sub-ducts, among others. The image illustrates the possible characteristics of a duct within the system.

Creating a Duct

To create a duct, you’ll need to access the "Network Expansion" side menu and click on the seventh option, highlighted in the image.

The duct's creation is similar to the cables. You can create them freely (noting that if there are no passage boxes at the ends of the ducts, they will be automatically added by the system), or by holding the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard to create points in the duct.

After completing the creation of the duct, a tab will appear to add its information, such as type, color, sub-ducts, etc.


The ducts are represented inside the passage boxes like this: 

The sub-ducts are represented within the duct tab and appear in the passage box as follows:

As shown in the image above, it is possible to document the sub-ducts with different colors, and the circle between the cable and the duct represents which duct the cable is located in. The circle has the same color as the cable to facilitate understanding of which cable is passing through the duct.

To link a cable to the duct, right-click on the cable, select the 'Go into editing option, click once on the cable, and then click on the desired duct. The tab in the image below will open, and then you can select the duct or sub-duct you want to link to the cable. Just confirm, and the cable will be connected to the duct.