Cables can be edited to follow different routes even after they are created. In this article, you'll learn the main tools that can be used in editing.

Edit mode

Edit mode is used to correct the layout of a cable, that is, through which posts and points a cable passes.

To enter edit mode for a cable, right-click the cable and click "Go into editing."

To change your layout, you have a few options:

  • Click on the cable and click on a pole or point where its curvature will be modified;

  • Delete a point or remove it from a pole, where hovering over it will cause a "lock" icon to appear

  • With the cable in edit mode, it is also possible to click on a section of the cable and then on a box. This will cause the wire to split in two and go through the clicked box. To remove a cable from a box, as long as the selected cables are of the same type, select one cable and click the other (on the other side of the box) as exemplified in the image below;

At the end, click exit editing mode.

Automatic connection on poles and boxes

You can also connect this cable to all poles that are within a certain radius, by right-clicking on the cable and selecting the "connect to poles" option;

Also, you can connect this cable to all boxes that are linked through the same poles the cable's in, by clicking on "connect in boxes";

Both can be done in batches, by generating an area report and clicking in the "cables" section. After that, click on "tools".