OZmap sorts elements by types (boxes, cables, splitters…) to speed up the network transcription.

Types must be created before their utilization. In other words, if it's necessary to use a new cable type for the first time, it's necessary to first create the cable type so that, upon launching a new cable, the new type is available. 

A type used by at least one element cannot be edited or deleted. On the left menu of OZmap, you will find a tab called "Types." Upon accessing it, you will see all the element types that you can create and edit.

Select the element you desire to create a new element type and click on the "New type" option.

You can list the usage of a type by clicking on the clipboard icon, access the details of the type by clicking on the 'i' button, clone the type using the double-sheet button, and delete the type by selecting the trash can icon.

Pole types

By default, the system comes with three types of poles: Aerial, Common, and Underground. When creating a new type, you can add the following information:

  • Name: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Prefix: The prefix to be assigned to the pole's name upon creation if you don't modify the name.

  • Allow sales: Indicates whether sales can be made on this pole type through OZloc.

  • Description: A free-form field.

  • Color: Allows adding a common color to poles of this type.

For more information about poles, click here.

Box Types

By default, the system comes with two types of boxes, named "CSP" and "HUB". When creating a new type, you can add the following information:

  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Brand: The brand of the box.

  • Model: The model of the box. This is unrelated to the box's interior.

  • Prefix: The prefix to be assigned to the box's name upon creation if you don't modify the name.

  • Standard booking:: The standard spare for this box type.

  • Standard level: The level according to the box levels registered in the system settings. This level can be changed when adding/editing the element, but if not provided, this level will be the standard.

  • Standard template: The standard box template for this type.

  • Description: A free-form field.

  • Border color: Allows adding a common color to the border of boxes of this type.

  • State representation: You can choose the color of the interior of the boxes for each type according to the deployment status, establishing different colors for "Implanted," "Not Implanted," or "In project" status.

For more information about boxes, click here.

Passage Box Types

  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Prefix: The prefix to be assigned to the name of the junction box upon creation if you don't modify the name.

  • Brand: The brand of the junction box.

  • Model: The model of the junction box. This is unrelated to the interior of the box.

  • Description: A free-form field.

For more information about passage boxes, click here.

POP Types

  • Name: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Prefix: The prefix to be assigned to the name of the POP upon creation if you don't modify the name.

  • Standard level: The level according to the levels of POPs registered in the system settings. This level can be changed when adding/editing the element, but if not provided, this level will be the standard.

  • Description: A free-form field.

For more information about POP’s, click here.

Cable Types

  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Brand: The brand of the cable.

  • Model: The model of the cable.

  • Standard level: The level according to the cable levels registered in the system settings. This level can be changed when adding/editing the element, but if not provided, this level will be the standard.

  • Total number of fibers: The total number of fibers in the cable (not the number of fibers per loose).

  • Number of looses: The number of looses in the cable.

  • Attenuation per KM: Attenuation per kilometer, is used for attenuation calculations.

  • Fiber profile: Fiber profile information, which has its menu on the left side of OZmap.

  • Description: A free-form field.

For more information about cables, click here.

Duct Types


  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Brand: The brand of the duct.

  • Model: The model of the duct.

  • Description: A free-form field.

  • Subducts: It is possible to pre-configure subducts in the duct type.

To learn more about Ducts, click here.

Splitter Types

  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system.

  • Brand/Model: The brand and model of the splitter.

  • Prefix: The prefix to be assigned to the name of the box upon creation if you don't modify the name.

  • Size (U): Size in rack units.

  • Input/output type: Whether input/output is fusion or connection.

  • Balanced splitter: Determines if the splitter is balanced (all outputs equal) or unbalanced.

  • Allows client connection: Indicates if the splitter is for customer service (drop).

  • Input number: For creating splitters with more than one input, used in rings.

  • Output number: Number of splitter outputs.

  • Attenuation: Attenuation of all ports (balanced) or attenuation of each port in an unbalanced splitter.

  • Description: A free-form field.

For more information about Splitters, click here.

OLT Types

  • Code: OLT Type Name;

  • Brand/Model: OLT Brand;

  • Maximum Standard Clients per Port: The maximum number of clients each PON port can serve;

  • Standard Power per Port: Power emitted by each port;

  • Description: Additional Information;

  • Number of Slots: Quantity of slots of this OLT type;

  • Size (U): Size in rack units.

For more information about OLTs, click here.

ODF Types 

  • Code: ODF Type Name;

  • Brand/Model: ODF Brand and Model;

  • Total Ports: Number of ports for this ODF type;

  • Trays Number: Quantity of trays for the ODF;

  • Side A/B Tag: Names of the input and output sides. In OZmap, you can choose which side will be the output and input side on the ODF. It doesn't make any difference to the system which one you choose;

  • Attenuation: Power attenuation while passing through the ODF;

  • Size (U): Size in rack units;

  • Description: Free-form field.

Para mais informações sobre DIO, clique aqui.

Switch Types

  • Code: It is the name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Brand/Model: Switch Brand and Model;

  • Allows Client Connection: Indicates if the switch is for client service (drop);

  • Port Number: Quantity of ports on the switch;

  • Size (U): Equipment rack unit;

  • Manageable: If this option is selected, the illumination that passes through the splitter does not propagate through all ports;

  • Description: Free-form field.

For more information about Switches, click here.

Connector Types

  • Code: It is the name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Brand/Model: Connector Brand and Model;

  • Allows Client Connection: Indicates if the connector is for client service (drop);

  • Attenuation: Power attenuation incurred by the connector;

  • Description: Free-form field.

For more information about Connectors, click here.

Fusion Types

Code: This is the name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Allows client connection: Indicates whether the fusion is for client service (drop);

  • Attenuation: The reduction in signal strength as it passes through the fusion;

For more information about Fusions, click here.

Region Types

  • Name: This is the name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Description: Free text field;

For more information about regions, click here.

Pendency Types

  • Name: This is the name of the pendency type that will appear in the system;

  • Description: Free text field;

  • Color: Default color assigned to the pendency icon;

For more information about pendencies, click here.

Shelf Types

  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Brand: Cabinet brand;

  • Model: Cabinet model;

  • Prefix: The prefix that will be assigned to the shelf name upon creation;

  • Size (U): Size in rack units;

  • Description: Free text field.

Exclusive Types of the 5G Module

In OZmap, we have the 5G module, which includes equipment such as towers, antennas, batteries, and radios. See below:

Tower Types

  • Name: The name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Prefix: The prefix that will be assigned to the tower name upon its creation;

  • Standard Level: The level according to the tower levels registered in the system settings. This level can be changed when adding/editing the element, but if you do not inform, this level will be the standard;

  • Brand: Tower brand;

  • Type: The tower type according to the type of use;

  • Description: Free text field.

Antenna Type

  • Code: Name of the antenna type;

  • Prefix: Prefix to be assigned to the antenna name upon its creation;

  • Brand/model: Brand and model of the antenna;

  • Radiation Rate (dB): Define the antenna's radiation rate in dB;

  • Opening (degrees): The antenna's opening;

  • Frequency (Range): The antenna's frequency;

  • Polarization (V/H): Whether the antenna's polarization is vertical or horizontal;

  • Gain (dB): Antenna gain capacity in dB;

  • Front-to-Back Ratio (dB): To register the ratio between the energy radiated in the main propagation direction of the antenna and the energy in the opposite direction;

  • Circular: If the antenna is circular, simply leave the option checked;

  • Remote Electrical Tilt: If the antenna's tilt is remote, just leave the option checked;

  • Height (m): Antenna height in meters;

  • Width (m): Antenna width in meters;

  • Description: Free text field.

Battery Type

  • Code: The name of the type that will appear in the system;

  • Prefix: The prefix that will be assigned to the battery name upon creation;

  • Brand: Battery brand;

  • Model: Battery model;

  • Size (U): Size in rack units;

  • Capacity (Ah): Battery capacity in Ah;

  • Description: Free text field.

Radio Type

  • Code: Name of the radio type;

  • Prefix: Prefix to be assigned to the antenna name upon the radio creation;

  • Brand/model: Brand and model of the radio;

  • Power Supply: To define the radio's power supply;

  • Number of Ports: The number of ports of this radio type;

  • Channel/Band (MHz): Specify the radio's channel/band frequency in MHz;

  • Frequency (Hz): The radio's frequency in Hz;

  • Power (W): Specify the radio's power in watts;

  • Settings: Define the configurations for this radio type;

  • Size (U): Size in rack units;

  • Description: Free text field.