Fiber profiles
Modified on: Tue, 18 Jun, 2024 at 8:51 PM
It is possible to customize the colors of the cable fibers shown inside the box, the option is found in the side menu in the "Customization" tab and then in "Fiber Profiles":

The system is already registered with two standard models:
ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) fiber color code: sequence used in Brazil by all national manufacturers:

Fiber color code EIA598 - A (International Standard): sequence defined by the American Institute for Standardization called EIA and adopted by several countries around the world:

When creating a new fiber profile, a customization window will open with options for profile name, and set color customization for fiber and tube.

It is also possible to see how many cables are using the created profile through the "Cable Types" column. To see the usage list, select the first icon on the right.

In the consecutive icons, there's the profile details option (can be edited), clone profile, and delete profile.
After creating the fiber profile, you can use it in a cable by filling in the highlighted field by your choice:

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