In OZmap we have a filter option that allows you to have a more dynamic visualization of your network, allowing you to select elements by some characteristics they have in common.
To use it, select this option:
When you click on the filter icon, it opens this window:
In this window, you can choose the items with the characteristic you want to filter in "choose a filter". This field allows you to select several different equipment categories or just one.
Scrolling down, there's the filtering possibilities for these elements. For example, if I select the cable and box elements, I can filter them by the following characteristics:
Each element has its characteristics that you can use to filter.
All: You can use this option to filter all items that have a registered tag.
Cable: cable type, deployment status, and tags;
Box: box type, deployment status, and tags;
Client: deployment status, network status, and tags;
Prospect: tags;
Property: tags;
Vertical building: deployment status and tags.
Pole: Pole type, licensing status, and tags;
Horizontal condominium: tags;
POP: deployment status and tags;
Pendency: Pendency type, tags, responsible.
Applied at more than one element, the filters work simultaneously. After configuring, you need to click "Apply" for it to be activated on the map.
For the filter to appear, check if the layer containing the filter elements is active. It's worth mentioning that if the remaining elements that are not included in the filter have the layer active, they will also appear.
These filters can also be saved for future use. To do this you must give it a name and indicate if it will be a filter only for your user, or if it will be shared with other users. Finally, click on "Save".
The next time you're about to use it, the filter will appear in "My Filters" if it is a filter only for your user, and in "System Filters" if it is a shared filter.
To use these saved filters, click on the highlighted icon on the image below and then "apply":
You can also add a new filter to the system while your filter is activated. Click "New Filter" and the fields already filled will be removed.
To completely remove the filters, click "Clear" at the bottom.